Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Constructivist Foundations

Here is the URL for the latest issue of the journal Constructivist Foundations. It contains both an essay by David Kenneth Johnson ("Footprints in the Sand") and Ernst von Glasersfeld's last publication, in which he has some things to say about Bridges to the World. You have to sign up for access, but there is no charge.


keane s lundt said...

This is super; unexpected, and fantastic!

Matt Silliman said...

Indeed. I had no expectation that he would read the book, much less comment on it, and he is surprisingly complimentary, especially toward Dave's long-term criticism of his work.

Shelby said...

Wow. I'm glad to know he read Bridges, and glad to see a word of response. Interesting article!

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Bittersweet that it comes so late, but still a welcome turn of events.