Saturday, January 25, 2014

(EE) Ethically Strange Coalitions

Friday's New York Times had a piece on the Coca-Cola company taking climate change seriously:
There are several layers of irony here -- the company's business model involves privatizing water supplies and making billions by selling sugar-water to children -- but when they see climate change affecting the bottom line, they become potential partners in an effort to do something about it.


keane s lundt said...

“The emphasis will be less about saving polar bears and more about promoting economic self-interest.” Anthropocentric subjectivity in the guise of promoting real and objective change; a case where human interests trump the other, in this case the environment – regardless of any ancillary benefits that may be the result of action in the name of “economic interests”.

Matt Silliman said...

Well, yes, but suppose it really will take partnering with such motives to save the planet. Would we rather keep our intentions pure, or do what we need to do?