Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Taking on Hume

I have yet to hear from most of you about the projects you are working on vis-a-vis Hume. This blog might be a good place to toss out ideas and questions for all of us to play with.


Anonymous said...

Well, as you know, I'm hoping to make some sort of a case for falliblism, and I'm hoping to refine the argument by presenting theories that acknowledge our ability to find knowledge and contrasting it with Hume's insight, and hopefully (though I'm resisting making up my mind so the topic can flow more smoothly) coming to some sort of consensus between the two that may or may not result in a sort of falliblism. I want to muse on how convincing Hume's arguments actually are, and where they falter or succeed.

Christina Porter said...

I am not too sure what I am going to write about. I like the idea of habit. So I might have that as my focus.